Student Library Resources
The following library resources are free.
Over 3000 Hebraic-Jewish resources to include dictionaries, encyclopedias, and theological texts. WARNING: Do not use Kabbalah Text.
Thousands of resources to include Interlinear Text and Gesenius Hebrew Lexicon and numerous Commentary.
Logos Bible Software
Download the free version or contact Faithlife Logos Academic office (704.724.8668/ and ask for the LCM Fundamental Package.
Free Hebrew Class
Daily Dose of Hebrew Lessons free to use. Be sure to use the dropdown menu in the top left of the player to see all of the lessons.
Dictionaries and Lexica Overview
A Daily Dose of Hebrew video breaking down the pros and cons of various Dictionaries and Lexica.
Hebrew Reading
Daily Dose of Hebrew reading resource. Here they read and then break down Scriptures to learn language structure.
Professor Blogs
Draw from a wealth of experience from your professors:
– Dr. Doug Wheeler
– Dr. Marvin Barham
– Dr. Cathie Dorsch
Grammarly Grammer Check and Spell are recommended for students who will be writing papers for courses. These are intially free to use.
Derekh Ha’achdut Ministry
As a student of Hebrew, my teaching passion is to help you develop the tools for effective independent Bible study. I invite you to join this community of ministry and grow in your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word! – Dr. Doug Wheeler
Bible Hub Hebrew Word Search
You can use this element to explain to visitors what you do or inform them about other subjects. For instance, what is your passion and why or what does your company offer, i.e. products and services. You can hide this element in the menu on the right
Jewish Encyclopedia
This website contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations.
Jewish Virtual Library
The Library has 13 wings: Anti-Semitism, Biography History, Holocaust, Israel, Israel Education, Myths & Facts, Politics, Religion, Travel, US & Israel, Vital Stats, and Women. In addition, the JVL has a Bookstore, Glossary, Links, News, Publications, a Timeline of Jewish History, and the Virtual Israel Experience (VIE), an educational tool and virtual tour of Israel designed especially for students going on Birthright and other trips to Israel. The VIE highlights Israel’s ancient history accentuated against its timeless beauty and modern culture. Much of the information in the Library cannot be found anywhere else in the world.